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Countdown to Christmas: Luke 3, The Great Anticipation, Waiting Expectantly, Jesus is Coming

Countdown to Christmas: Waiting Expectantly
Luke 3-Day 3: The excitement would build as our younger sons would count down the days until the older brothers were to return home from college for Christmas Break. They would ask each day how many days were left until their arrival. They would plan games and food that would be brought out upon their entrance. They would have movies picked out that would make for good family nights. And they would share the excitement with grandparents and friends, creating an atmosphere of great anticipation.  

As I read Luke 3 today, I couldn’t help but pick up on the excitement and anticipation that was building surrounding the arrival of Jesus. The chapter is filled with teaching from John, and in this teaching, he shares the great news of the One who would come after him. He lets the expectant people know that there is someone who is coming who is far greater than he. He shares, “But one who is more powerful than I will come…”. He is making sure the people understand that he, John, is not the Messiah…while building the anticipation for the One who will soon arrive.

How is your excitement level today? I’m not asking if your excited about your tree or your shopping or even your family. I’m asking what your excitement level is for the One who we celebrate. The One who is far greater than us. The One who deserves all glory, honor, and praise.

Jesus later will go on to instruct the people, including us, to go and make disciples of all nations. He is asking us to take our excitement to another level and share it with others. He is asking us to take the love He has for each of us, and show it to others.

Today, on Day 3 of our Christmas Countdown, would you excitedly share the love of Jesus with someone? Just as my boys were beaming with excitement over the arrival of their older brothers, we should also be beaming with excitement over the fact that we have news to share…news the world needs to hear. News of the upcoming celebration of the birth of Jesus, our reason for hope. Will you share this news with someone today?

You can find Day 1 & 2/Luke 1 & 2 of our Christmas Countdown on this blog too. And connect on Facebook or here each day leading up to Christmas for a new message. Thanks for joining in on the Christmas Countdown. Feel free to leave a thumbs up or comment if you're joining me on the Countdown. Enjoy your day, Friends! May you experience the love of the Son today and always.

Misty Cramer is an author & speaker who recently released her first book. The Every Day God, 40 Daily Devotions for Walking with God through Everyday Moments, quickly made its way to Amazon's #1 New Release and Best Seller lists in multiple categories. In this book, she authentically shares her own story to remind us all that God has a specific plan, even in the midst of life's messes. She has been married to Todd for 39 years and has five adult sons. While they enjoy their time as "empty nesters" in rural Michigan, they also love visits from their sons, two daughters-in-law, and two granddaughters. Misty sends out a monthly devotion as part of her newsletter, and she'd love to send it along to you. The link to subscribe to the devotion, as well as the link to Misty's book can be found below:

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 Misty Cramer © 2023

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