


I had my Wednesday's Word all written and set to send out to you, and then the shooting happened in Texas. It somehow didn't seem fitting anymore because the words that were on my heart were now ANGER and heart ACHE. And so, with that said, I am choosing to share with you my heart today. It's a confused heart. A broken heart. An angry heart. An aching heart. But it's my heart. And part of who I will always be with my writing, is someone who is real with you. So here's my heart today: Wednesday’s Word(s): Anger & Aching

My heart is angry that there are fifteen plus families going through unspeakable pain because of this shooting.

My heart is aching for those families who will not hold their children in their laps any longer,  tuck them into bed tonight…or any other night.

My heart is angry that someone can walk into a school and in a matter of minutes, take the precious lives of others.

My heart is aching for the hopes and dreams that will never come to fruition for these families.

My heart is angry at the people and systems that have failed, bringing us to this point…again.

My heart is aching, as so many search for ways to help, but don’t know how to meet the needs of the hurting.

My heart is angry that we need to create pretty memes, once again, asking for prayer for yet another American town because of the devastation of a shooting. 

My heart is aching because I don’t know what to do to make it better. 

As I tucked my seven-year-old granddaughter into bed tonight, my heart was broken for the grandma’s who won’t get to do that tonight. I couldn’t help but picture the parents and grandparents who sent their children to school, for just another day, counting down til summer vacation, only to have them not return home. It makes me angry. And it makes me ache inside. 

Lord, I don’t have a lot of answers. But I do have a lot of anger, and a lot of heart ache. As a parent and grandparent, my head and heart cannot wrap themselves around the needless deaths of children, family members. I’m tired of it, and yet honestly, I feel helpless. I don’t know what to do, to help, to move forward, to stop it from happening again. So, I guess I’m venting here Lord. Hear my prayer today, even when I don’t really know the words to speak. You know the deepest parts of my being, the utterances that cannot be verbalized, the pain that I can’t figure out how to put into words. Take it Lord. Take my anger. Take my aching heart. Pour your comfort and strength upon those who need it most at this very minute; show those who are feeling this tragedy personally, that you are still on the throne, that you love them so very much. And show me, how to love others better today, impacting them in an eternal way. Amen

Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”

Misty Cramer is an author and speaker who enjoys walking alongside others in this journey we call life. Her deisre is to encourage others, as she shares the hope Jesus provides in the midst of life's darkest challenges, as well as it's brightest triumphs. If you would like to receive “Wednesday’s Word”, as well as other encouragement, you can subscribe to her website, and follow her on Instagram @mistydawncramer and Facebook, Misty Cramer, Author & Speaker. She would love to connect with you!  

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Wednesday’s Word: SECURITY

The day at my grandparents’ house had once again proven to be one filled with laughter, games, and of course running down the big hill their home sat upon, as it towered above the river below. A child’s paradise. Swimming. Boating. Hiding in the pine forest across the way. 

After a day like that, it wasn’t surprising when we loaded in the car to head home, that the eyes of my sisters and brother and I, would quickly grow heavy and come to a close. As I leaned on the car door, my sister rested her head on my shoulder, and I felt the breeze from the open window brush against my face. The whirring of the tires could be heard, lulling me to sleep. As my dad sat behind the steering wheel, it didn’t take long before my mom glanced to the back seat, “Yup, looks like they’re all asleep already.” Although my plan was to “pretend sleep” in case my parent’s decided to say anything interesting, sleep quickly overtook me, just as it had my siblings.

As I remember back upon those childhood drives, Wednesday’s Word, security, comes to my mind. I found comfort in knowing that my two protectors were in the front seat. That as I leaned my head against that window, I was safe. Secure. The person behind the wheel would get me safely to my destination. The person next to him, would keep an eye on the road and watch me as I slept. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind; I could rest. And in 90 minutes, I would be safely delivered to my destination. Home.  

Now as an adult, some of the roads I travel look a little scarier. There are roads that contain illness. Roads that contain relationship pain. Other roads that hold fear of the unknown. Potholes that suddenly appear, ready to swallow me, or at least jar me to the point that I’m hurt. Security doesn’t seem as simple as it did in those childhood days. 

And yet, God gives us promises such as this verse in Psalm 4:8 that says, “I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” We can be secure in knowing that regardless of what road we may travel, we have someone in the driver’s seat who is prepared to make the journey with us. Someone who will undoubtably get us to our destination. Someone who not only provides us with security on this earth, but upon trusting in Him, provides us security forever, eternal security. 

I pray that today, you are able to rest securely in the truth that Jesus loves you, and that He will walk this journey of life with you. He will deliver you to your destination, and He won’t take His eyes off you. And if you aren’t secure in knowing your eternal destination, then I pray you do that today, by letting Him know you desire a relationship with Him. (Message me if you have any questions on that.)  You may soak in more of His promises by reading the scriptures below. 

I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.  Psalm 16:8

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.Philippians 1:6

Misty Cramer is an author and speaker who enjoys walking alongside others in this journey we call life. Her deisre is to encourage others, as she shares the hope Jesus provides in the midst of life's darkest challenges, as well as it's brightest triumphs. If you would like to receive “Wednesday’s Word”, as well as other encouragement, you can subscribe to her website, and follow her on Instagram @mistydawncramer and Facebook, Misty Cramer, Author & Speaker. She would love to connect with you!  

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Wednesday’s Word: NAMES

As a seventh grader, I walked tentatively into my art class. Since I was a very quiet young lady, I was surprised when I walked in the room and heard my name come from a group of boys in the back of the room. I didn’t know these boys knew I existed, let alone knew my name. My surprise quickly turned to pain, as one of them yelled to me, “Hey Black Teeth!” The little group laughed, as I sank lower into my seat, blinking back tears, wishing I could be anywhere, but in that room.

We have all experienced those times in our lives when people have labeled us or called us names. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always stop when we leave high school. We may enter into a job or family where the labels or names don’t cease. Perhaps it’s a name that is tied to a physical attribute we hold. Sometimes it is connected with the gifts and talents we possess or don’t possess. Other times, a name is thrown out as a “joke”, and yet when it penetrates our hearts, it is anything but. 

Do you have any names that were throw out at you, ones that stung? Ones that have perhaps stuck with you for years? Ones that came from someone you respected, or even loved, making it hurt even more deeply? 

Well today, with our Wednesday’s Word, NAMES, I want us to shift our focus to some of the NAMES that God has for us. He has created each of us uniquely, specifically to be a part of his family. We are Children of the Living God. Let’s allow His truths, the NAMES He has given us, to wash over the pain of other names and labels, and remove them from our hearts, replacing them with who HE says we are. Please check out the scriptures below, taking time to focus on the NAMES the Creator of the World has given you.

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called CHILDREN OF GOD! And that is what we are! I John 3:1

But you are a CHOSEN PEOPLE, a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, a HOLY NATION, a PEOPLE BELONGING TO GOD, that you may declare praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you FRIENDS, for everything I have learned from my Father I have made known to you. John 15:15

Do you not know that you are GOD’S TEMPLE and that God’s Spirit lives in you? 1 Corinthians 6:19

For we are his WORKMANSHIP, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that Gid prepared beforehand so we may do them. Ephesians 2:10

Misty Cramer is an author and speaker who enjoys walking alongside others in this journey we call life. Her deisre is to encourage others, as she shares the hope Jesus provides in the midst of life's darkest challenges, as well as it's brightest triumphs. If you would like to receive “Wednesday’s Word”, as well as other encouragement, you can subscribe to her website, and follow her on Instagram @mistydawncramer and Facebook, Misty Cramer, Author & Speaker. She would love to connect with you!  

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Wednesday’s Word: BUILD

Each Wednesday morning, it could get a little crazy around our house, as I would get my little ones around for the day and head to my weekly lifeline, Morning Glory. Morning Glory was a group of ladies from my church, who quickly became my best friends in the world. Anyone who has young children, knows it can be a time of life that can be so treasured, so beautiful, and also, let’s be honest…so life-sucking, so exhausting. Since our five sons have a fifteen-year age spread from youngest to oldest, I was in this young mom’s group for many years. Over the years, some of the faces changed. The name of the group changed. But the purpose and the need it fulfilled for young moms always remained the same. 

In this group we would BUILD relationships. We would BUILD relationships with one another. BUILD relationships with one another’s children. BUILD relationship with Jesus. And, we would watch as our children would BUILD relationships with each other. Years later we would attend their weddings, often times seeing them standing up in each other’s weddings, twenty plus years after their mommies took them to Morning Glory. 

The value of Morning Glory, and groups like it, are unending. God created us to be in relationship with Him, as well as with others. He created us to BUILD one another up. To encourage one another. To share in the burdens. To share in the joys. To pray together. To cry together. To laugh together. To share in the milestones. To do life together. 

I wonder today, if you have people who BUILD you up? Do you have friendships, prayer partners, weekly groups who have your back? Who you can contact at any hour of the day? If not, take the time today to pray and listen to who God may bring to your mind to begin some relationship BUILDing. And if you do, give thanks for such a group. Their value is precious, and certainly a gift from our Heavenly Father. 

I hope you are encouraged by the scriptures (NIV) below, where God reminds us of the importance of encouraging one another through our words. And it would be an encouragement and BUILD readers up, if you would share some of your experiences or ideas regarding this topic, in the comments. We’d love to hear about them! 

Romans 15:2 Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to BUILD them up.

I Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and BUILD each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for BUILDing others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 

Misty Cramer is an author and speaker who enjoys walking alongside others in this journey we call life. Her deisre is to encourage others, as she shares the hope Jesus provides in the midst of life's darkest challenges, as well as it's brightest triumphs. If you would like to receive “Wednesday’s Word”, as well as other encouragement, you can subscribe to her website, and follow her on Instagram @mistydawncramer and Facebook, Misty Cramer, Author & Speaker. She would love to connect with you!  

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Wednesday's Word: CELEBRATE

As I write, I am wrapping up several opportunities in which our family has been able to CELEBRATE together. We recently had the opportunity to CELEBRATE my son’s business with an Open House. It was complete with food, contests, and even a dunk tank! (Pictured is my husband and I celebrating, as he dunked him two out of three throws! That was fun!) Later that night, we had the opportunity to celebrate three friends who won their sporting competition. The following morning, we celebrated in church, as the gospel was shared and people came to know Jesus. WooHoo! That was the best! And today, we have a day of celebrating my granddaughter’s eighth birthday. We will enjoy a big dinner, and of course cake and ice cream. 

I believe the Lord enjoys most of our celebrations. In fact, there are many scriptures where the bible asks us to celebrate with the Lord. To share with Him in our celebrations, praising Him, because every good and perfect gift is from the Lord. (James 1:17)

I also believe that we need to be careful in our celebrations, to not cause pain or hurt to others. As followers of Jesus, it is important that we keep in mind the feelings of others. To remain vigilant in our awareness that some of our celebrations may cause pain to others. 

My heart has been hurt recently, by the words of many Christians, as they “celebrate” a victory that has been very important to them. I have been left wondering where the respect, compassion, love, humility, and kindness that Jesus speaks about has gone. 

It is never ok to hurt other people during our celebrations. It is important that we are Christ-like. That we behave and respond to others through the words and actions that Jesus would desire. 

When we celebrate Mother’s/Father’s Day, it is important to acknowledge and remember those around us who have lost a child, who desire a child.

When we celebrate our freedom on the 4th of July, it is important that we remember that at the same time we are celebrating, there are other people dying, as they continue to fight for their country.

When we celebrate that our political party of choice won an election, it is important that we not be arrogant, point fingers, and belittle others for their decisions.

When we celebrate a decision by SCOTUS, it is important to acknowledge that there are others who are left fearful and angry by the decision, who need anything but gloating, judgement, and unkind words. 

For some of those examples, being Christ-like comes more easily. And yet others, we as Christians, are missing the mark. As we continue our many celebrations this summer, I would ask that we consider how we might be Christ-like in our words and actions as we CELEBRATE. Does God enjoy our celebrations and desire to be a part of them? Absolutely. Let us give Him the praise He deserves during our celebrations. Does He also desire for us to consider the feelings of those around us, as we celebrate? Absolutely. Let us take the opportunities to speak to others about what they are experiencing, asking how we could support them. Let us create awareness for the needs others have. Let us keep our mouths and keyboards closed, unless we are speaking in a way that glorifies our Lord. Let us meet people’s fear and anger with patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control, and of course, love. (Galatians 5:22) 

I pray we all enjoy the weekend ahead, as we CELEBRATE all that God has blessed us with. And as we do so, let us include Him in the celebrations, while also keeping the scriptures below within our hearts. 

Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving,

Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. Psalm 95:2

Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Romans 12:15

This is the day which the Lord has made;

Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger. James 1:19

But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6

And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Philippians 2:3 

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18 

Misty Cramer is an author and speaker who enjoys walking alongside others in this journey we call life. Her deisre is to encourage others, as she shares the hope Jesus provides in the midst of life's darkest challenges, as well as it's brightest triumphs. If you would like to receive “Wednesday’s Word”, as well as other encouragement, you can subscribe to her website, and follow her on Instagram @mistydawncramer and Facebook, Misty Cramer, Author & Speaker. She would love to connect with you!  

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 Wednesdays Word: YES  

Several years ago, I remember sitting in my living room with pen in hand, paper laying on the table, and lump in my throat. I knew what God wanted me to write. And I knew to whom He wanted me to mail the letter once I had it completed. What I didn’t know was whether I would actually make the decision to say, YES God, I will write and send this letter. I had a great deal of pain in my heart from the person God wanted me to write. So YES, was coming with much hesitation and questioning. Can you relate?

Several people in the Bible struggled with saying YES to God. Moses argued with God when God told him to speak to Pharaoh (Exodus 6-7).  Jonah attempted to flee when God asked him to go to Nineveh (Jonah 1). Gideon wrestled with God in length when God asked him to form an army to fight the Midianites (Judges 6). Sometimes it is very hard to say YES to God. Sometimes He asks of us, things that don’t make sense to us at the time. And yet, what if Moses wouldn’t have gone to Pharaoh? If Jonah wouldn’t have gone to Nineveh? If Gideon wouldn’t have changed his mind and fought the Midianites? Saying YES to God has eternal value. Saying YES to God changes lives. Saying YES to God changes history.

I wonder if there’s something today in which God is asking us to say, “YES God, I will move forward with this.” Is there a letter or phone call we don’t want to make? Is there a job change that has come up? Is there something in our marriage God is asking us to do? Is there a relationship in our family that needs healing? Is there financial assistance that we can offer someone? Is there a small voice from God, one where He is asking us to say YES, and we are hesitant? Scared? Unforgiving? Prideful? 

I hope today, we will lay our hesitancies, fear, unforgiveness, and pride aside, and move forward, letting God know that YES, we will do as He directs, even if it doesn’t make sense in the moment. May we remember, history was made by people who said YES to God, even when it was difficult. Even when it didn’t make sense. Will you take a step today, and say YES to God?

Author, Misty Cramer To receive these weekly devotions, as well as other encouragement in your inbox, please subscribe at 

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 16:9 The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

Deuteronomy 31:8 It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. 

Misty Cramer is an author and speaker who enjoys walking alongside others in this journey we call life. Her deisre is to encourage others, as she shares the hope Jesus provides in the midst of life's darkest challenges, as well as it's brightest triumphs. If you would like to receive “Wednesday’s Word”, as well as other encouragement, you can subscribe to her website, and follow her on Instagram @mistydawncramer and Facebook, Misty Cramer, Author & Speaker. She would love to connect with you!  

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Wednesday's Word: APPRECIATION

I recently opened a message from a young adult I’d had involved in my ministry over a decade ago, and I couldn’t help but tear up. The message was a note of APPRECIATION for the relationship and ministry I had with her all those years ago. As I read the note, I understood she was thanking me, and yet in that moment, I felt as if I were the one receiving the gift. 

Giving thanks, showing APPRECIATION, seems like a pretty simple request; the opportunities are endless for such an assignment. And yet we often find ourselves going about our day, forgetting to give away even one “thank you”. 
Our words of APPRECIATION may be the support the young mom needs, as she wrestles with her value as a parent. Or what our co-worker needs, as he wrestles with how to make it through one more day on the job. Our words of APPRECIATION could be what our spouse needs to change the trajectory of our marriage. Or what an elderly neighbor needs, as she feels she has nothing more to offer the world. Our words of APPRECIATION may be the words that change, not only someone’s day, but his very life. 
I pray we go about this day, intentionally looking for opportunities to bring people joy, through the unexpected gift of APPRECIATION. Whether God nudges us to write a thank you to someone who walked with us a decade ago, nudges us to give a hug of APPRECIATION for the one walking beside us today, or perhaps nudges us to show our APPRECIATION to the stranger at the grocery check-out, we can trust that our God will use the gift we are offering in just the right way. 
In addition to a couple of my favorite verses on the topic of encouragement and thanksgiving, I have also included the popular story Jesus told us, about the healing of the ten men with leprosy. There are many lessons within that story, and one of them definitiely points to the gratitude we need to share with others and with our Heavenly Father. I hope you will be encouraged today, as you take time to read these scriptures.

And please know, I sure APPRECIATE you!

Philippians 1:2-4 May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace. Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy,
I Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."
Luke 17:11-19 11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. 12 As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy[a] met him. They stood at a distance 13 and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”
14 When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.
15 One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.

17 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”

Misty Cramer is an author and speaker who enjoys walking alongside others in this journey we call life. Her deisre is to encourage others, as she shares the hope Jesus provides in the midst of life's darkest challenges, as well as it's brightest triumphs. If you would like to receive “Wednesday’s Word”, as well as other encouragement, you can subscribe to her website, and follow her on Instagram @mistydawncramer and Facebook, Misty Cramer, Author & Speaker. She would love to connect with you!  

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Wednesday's Word: CHILL

The summer days often get busy, too busy sometimes, as we flutter from one activity to another. And it’s not that the activities are a negative thing, it’s just that like everything, we need to find a balance, so we have time to simply CHILL. 

As I sat at the dining room table after our brunch, I could hear laughter from the other room. High pitched laughter. The laughter I have come to recognize as my granddaughter’s. I quietly got up from my chair to peek around the corner, and found my husband seated on a chair, with the granddaughters sitting at his feet. And they were CHILLING, having a good old-fashioned conversation, giggling, soaking in one another’s undivided attention. Later that day, I was soaking in some sun, as I sat by the pond. I glanced over at the dock to see a granddaughter seated beside Todd. Once again, they were just CHILLING, splashing their feet, eating ice cream, basking in the moment.

Often times, I think of Jesus and his ability to CHILL. He took time to walk with his friends. Time to chat beside the water’s edge. Perhaps joked about the size of fish that were caught that day. He took time to go to the garden. Time to pick up a conversation with someone hanging out by a well or strolling along the road. I am reminded, I want to be more like Jesus. 

Many of us, don’t find it easy to CHILL. It takes a very intentional decision to do so. With that said, I pray that as this summer quickly creeps into the closing weeks, we take the opportunity to CHILL. We make the decision to do it. To take a walk and see who God puts in our path. Have a coffee in town and enjoy a conversation with a stranger. Sit on a bench and soak in the surroundings. Or as my husband did, find the opportune time to settle in with a loved one, cherishing the moments that will soon be tomorrow’s memories. 

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25

“Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” I Thessalonians 5:11

“And he said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.’” Mark 6:31

“Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.” Proverbs 27:9

“My command is this: love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12

Misty Cramer is an author and speaker who enjoys walking alongside others in this journey we call life. Her deisre is to encourage others, as she shares the hope Jesus provides in the midst of life's darkest challenges, as well as it's brightest triumphs. If you would like to receive “Wednesday’s Word”, as well as other encouragement, you can subscribe to her website, and follow her on Instagram @mistydawncramer and Facebook, Misty Cramer, Author & Speaker. She would love to connect with you!  

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Wednesday's Word: PROMISE

“I don’t know about this younger generation,” the woman complained as she shook her head, disappointment, discouragement, and disconnection painted on her face.

Her statement was unfortunately not one I was hearing for the first time. After thirty years in youth ministry, her words seemed to be the sentiment shared by many, not only when referring to our youth, but in young adults, as well.

“They aren’t in church.” 

“They are always on their phones.”

“They don’t know how to work hard.”

“They don’t have a moral compass.”

Again, “I don’t know about this younger generation.”

Ma’am, would you please allow me to share something with you…I do know about this younger generation. And I’d be happy to lift your spirits by sharing a few things about my experience with them. Because what I see, is a generation full of PROMISE. 

I had arrived home from work with my husband, and we sat down with our cups of tea and coffee, as we waited to be “invaded”. My mind quickly raced across the checklist I had created in my head. Fridge…full of food. Snacks…in the cabinet. Beds…made for those who would stay the night. Table…extra leaves added. Pond…waiting for the swimmers. Fire pit…read for bonfire to be made. 

And we waited.

Soon, a car made its way into the driveway. Followed by another. And another. In a matter of minutes, about thirty young people, twenty-somethings, gathered in our yard, making their way into our home. My heart swelled; I knew God had brought them here, not just for them to experience an evening together, but also, as a reminder for my husband and I of the PROMISE the future holds.

This group had just finished a week of counseling at a local Christian camp. They were exhausted, functioning on only a few hours of sleep each night this week, and pouring everything they had into the jr and sr high students appointed to them. And yet they were also energized. Energized because of the PROMISES God showed them throughout the week.

They arrived at our home to enjoy a few last hours together before they headed back to their “normal lives”. Saying good-bye to such a powerful week is a challenge, and this group was holding onto the week and putting off the good-byes for as long as possible. 

Here’s what I noticed in the hours following their arrival:

They love Jesus fiercely.

They took a week of vacation time to volunteer at camp. 

They have a heart to share Jesus with those around them.

They are open to learning from other generations, as well as from one another.

They pray with confidence and boldness.

They see miracles happen because of their prayers.

They offer and dive in to help where needed.

They praise God and worship passionately.

They hold each other accountable.

My list could go on and on, but instead, I want to share a couple specific examples of what we experienced while they were in our home.

As we sat around the bonfire, they shared about miracles that happened at camp, physical and spiritual. They spoke of these things with amazement and excitement. And more importantly, with expectation. They actually expected and anticipated answers to their prayers. That shows me PROMISE for our future.

When conversation continued and someone shared a need, a fear, anxiety, the conversation turned to prayer. Soon the anxious were surrounded by their peers, as hands laid on them, and prayers ensued, sounding like a chorus of angels falling at the feet of Jesus. Again, fully expecting an answer, holding onto PROMISE.

After my husband and I went to bed, they could be heard praising God and worshiping. And as they awoke the next morning, they made their way to the kitchen, stomachs hungry for the food we were serving, but spirits starving for more. For more of what our Heavenly Father was dishing up. For three hours, we sat, prayed, listened, discussed…life-changing conversations. Topics that will have an impact on our futures. The type of conversations that hold PROMISE for the future.

By the time the last couple young adults left our home, I was exhausted…and also energized. My husband and I, as well as my parents who live next door, knew we had been given a gift through the presence of this group. We were filled with PROMISE. With hope. With great anticipation of our future generation. 

As we move forward, I have hopes and prayers for us, the “older generation”. Those of us who have seen the years of our twenties and thirties pass by. 

My hope and prayer is that we do not discount this “younger generation”. Let us not mistake their need and desire for a different type of worship, as a lack of Christian commitment. Their needs and desires for worship may be different, but they are far from disconnected. They yearn for more. They seek authentic. They seek answers. They seek faith in action. They seek change. They seek to “get out of the pews” and “get into the mud and mire” of people’s lives. They seek Jesus. That mindset holds PROMISE.

My hope and prayer is that we remember they are living in a world much different than the one in which we lived. I’m not here to argue the “but our generation lived through_____fill in the blank.” I am here to ask; can we agree that they are navigating a variety of daily issues that we did not need to navigate? The world is different, and failing to acknowledge that fact, is to ignore the challenges this generation faces. From my point of view, they are doing a heck of a job at making their way through this ever-changing landscape we call life. 

My hope and prayer is that we would join with them, encouraging them, as they move forward. Let us change our posture from shaking our heads in disappointment to a posture of prayer, asking God not only how we may help them develop to their full potential, but also asking Him what we may learn from them. If we open our hearts and minds, they have much to teach us. They are truly a passionate generation, who hold great PROMISE for the future. And I for one, am excited to see how God continues to use them. 

Press on mighty warriors. This is your time. I praise God that I have a window seat to your lives. I love you deeply and pray God’s protection and direction over each of you. As you make your way in the world, I pray you hold tightly to these words from I Timothy 4:12, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

Written by Misty Cramer ©2022 Misty Cramer is an author and speaker, who, with her husband Todd of 38 years, has had the honor of raising five sons ranging in age from 22 to 37. Todd and Misty have been serving in youth ministry for over thirty years, and are thankful each day for the many lessons they continue to learn from their own “children”, as well as the many “children” who have ministered to them over the years.  

If you would like to receive “Wednesday’s Word”, as well as other encouragement, you can subscribe to her website, and follow her on Instagram @mistydawncramer and Facebook, Misty Cramer, Author & Speaker. She would love to connect with you!  

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Wednesday’s Word: SEEN 

Have you ever felt as if you weren’t being SEEN? Felt alone, as if you were going through your day and no one really noticed that you were struggling? That you were dealing with family issues? That the financial stress was causing you to feel physically ill? That you were anxious about an upcoming appointment?

I recently was feeling overwhelmed. Sad from going through the transition of our home being an empty nest once again. Frustrated because we’re down a vehicle, as one was just damaged in an accident. Concerned about finances to pay for said vehicle. Sorrowful for several parents who are struggling with their children. On this particular day, the list seemed endless.

As I was sharing my feelings with God, I was brought to several scriptures that reminded me that I was being SEEN. That He was SEEING me. He was reminding me that I was not alone. That He wasn’t looking the other way. That He wasn’t paying more attention to others who may have more or bigger struggles than me. That He was SEEING me, right in the middle of what I saw as a mess that day. A sorry, sad state of overwhelmed feelings. And He SAW me. 

My problems didn’t suddenly get fixed. No “kids” came back to the nest that day. The vehicle was still smashed. The bills would still arrive. The families were still struggling. And yet, I knew I was not alone. I knew the One I was sitting with, was SEEING me. And sometimes, just being SEEN, just knowing that God finds my messes worth acknowledging, is enough of a reminder to make the day better.

Today, I pray you remember, wherever you are; whatever you may be dealing with, that He, the God of the universe, SEES you. He finds you important enough to acknowledge. Important enough to comfort. Important enough to love. Important enough to take the time to SEE you. You are most certainly, not alone. 

You are the God who SEES me, Genesis 16:13 (I encourage you to check out Genesis 16. The same God who saw distraught Hagar, also SEES you and I.)

But you, O Lord, know me; you SEE me, and test my heart toward you. Jeremiah 12:3

The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good. Proverbs 15:3

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

If you would like to receive “Wednesday’s Word”, as well as other encouragement, you can subscribe to her website, and follow her on Instagram @mistydawncramer and Facebook, Misty Cramer, Author & Speaker. She would love to connect with you!  

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