 Marriage Monday:
6 Tips for an Open Discussion with Your Spouse

In the early years of my marriage, when life got overwhelming, my “go-to” was to withdraw. And by this, I mean withdraw emotionally and physically. I wanted to be alone, go hide in my bedroom, and if necessary, curl up into a fetal position on my bed (or floor in some cases). And then, well then, I would cry.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how this could lead to some problems, confusion, and frustration for my man and I. My newly married hubby wanted to offer comforting words to me; I didn’t want to listen to him. My newly married hubby wanted to hold me; I didn’t want him to touch me. My newly married hubby wanted to know what was wrong; I didn’t want to talk. The list goes on.

As we continued to grow and strengthen our relationship, things began to change. We began to communicate more clearly with one another. Walls began to crumble, as we shared our fears and hurts, our pasts, and our dreams for the future.

A beautiful thing happened through this growing process. I began to open up and let him know when I felt I was heading into one of those overwhelming spots. In fact, he began to pick up on my subtle (and even unconscious) cues that “told” him I was heading into one of those situations. I began to allow him to speak words of truth to me. He began to learn when to not speak, and when to just listen. I began to long for him to hold me; he began to ask if he could do so. I began to share what I was experiencing; and he learned when to ask, and when to give me space.

Marriage is a delicate dance, isn’t it. It’s easy to step on the toes of the one dancing closely with us. It’s easy to make mistakes in timing. Or to not trust the other with the dips in our lives.

And yet, when we are willing to put the time in to learn how to navigate that dance, it is such a beautiful thing. It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes patience. And practice. And persistence. But, it can get to the point where you are truly enjoying the dance…and actually pretty good at it too.

Now, forty years into our marriage, our dance looks so much different than it did in those early years. You will be hard pressed to find me sneaking off alone to our room gearing up to get into that fetal position. The reasons are varied. But basically, Todd can tell when I’m heading down that road, often before I am even thinking about it. He can pick up on my mood changes. The frequency of tears shed. The lack of laughter.

And I am able to share my heart with him. I trust him with every part of my being. So, when I am disappointed, fearful, or sad, I can share that with him.

The picture of me, alone in our room, on the bed in a ball is no more. Instead, the picture you will see is a woman leaning on the shoulder of her man, as he embraces her. Tears trickling down her cheek, as he asks her if she just needs space to cry or if he should offer some words of encouragement. And, the dance continues.

Practical Tips for Strengthening Your Marriage this Week

*Identify whether your “go to” is to withdraw from your pain or share your pain with your spouse.

*Ask your spouse if s/he thinks you have identified yourself correctly in regards to the above.

*Share with one another examples of why you think this about yourself and/or the other person. Remember, this is a discussion to encourage openness, not to shame the other for not opening up more quickly.

*Ask your spouse to share a specific area of his/her life in which you could help him/her to be more open.

*Ask your spouse to share with you some tips on how s/he could identify the beginning symptoms of when you are starting to withdraw.

*Pray for your spouse today. If s/he will pray with you in person, do that. If not, pray for them on your own. Below is a prayer you can use if you’d like:

            Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift you have given me in my spouse. I want to grow closer to my husband/wife. I want to connect with him/her in a more meaningful and deep way. Please give me the ears to hear and eyes to see when s/he is in pain or starting to withdraw from me. Give me the direction to proceed forward in a way that honors my spouse and you, as I walk alongside my spouse through the situation s/he is walking right now. Thank you Lord, for directing us and for strengthening our marriage even right now, as I say this prayer. In Jesus Name, Amen

Todd and Misty are certified Marriage Mentors, and are commited to helping others strengthen their marriage. Thank you for reading this blog. If you found it helpful, please like, message, comment, or pass it on to someone else. Thanks! You may also sign up here to receive reminders and links to Marriage Monday and Misty's monthly devotional newsletter: I hope you have a wonderful week and that you remember to prioritize your marriage...because it matters. 


Misty Cramer is an author & speaker who recently released her first book. The Every Day God, 40 Daily Devotions for Walking with God through Everyday Moments, quickly made its way to Amazon's #1 New Release and Best Seller lists in multiple categories. In this book, she authentically shares her own story to remind us all that God has a specific plan, even in the midst of life's messes. She has been married to Todd for 39 years and has five adult sons. While they enjoy their time as "empty nesters" in rural Michigan, they also love visits from their sons, two daughters-in-law, and three granddaughters. Misty sends out a monthly devotion as part of her newsletter, and she'd love to send it along to you. The link to subscribe to the devotion, as well as the link to Misty's book can be found below:

Sign up here to receive reminders and links to Marriage Monday and Misty's monthly devotional newsletter:

Head to this link if you’d like to purchase the book: 

Follow Misty on Facebook to receive daily encouragement:

 Misty Cramer © 2024


Have you seen an alligator without a tail? No? Me neither. Well, meet Bob. I was able to meet Bob on a trip to Alligator Adventure in Myrtle Beach. 

Bob was born without a tail, which is the most prevalent birth defect among gators. Alligators like Bob have 0% chance of survival in the wild. Zero! Their tails are essential. Being born without one, is a death sentence. That is, unless someone saves them. Unless someone takes them into their protective “arms” and places them into a habitat where they will be protected from prey, and fed in a way that is accessible for them. Upon being saved, gators like Bob can grow, flourish, and live a life without fear of certain and immediate death. 

God used Bob to remind me of a truth that some people may not know. A truth that those of us who do know, often take for granted. We are born, not necessarily needing to be physically saved from death, but certainly in need of being spiritually saved. Just as Bob would have had zero chance of life without being rescued, we find ourselves with zero chance (as in no chance at all) of an abundant and eternal life without being rescued by a Savior, Jesus, who loves us enough to go to the cross for us. A Savior who puts us in His arms, not only saving us from certain death, but loving us, caring for us, strengthening us, as we journey forward, on this often-difficult earth. 

If you’re anything like me, you have had times in your life when you have certainly felt the need to be rescued. Even after I became a follower of Jesus, I still had times when I needed Him to rescue me. Times when circumstances were pushing me down, making me question my value and worth. Times when I saw no way out of a scary situation. Times when I couldn’t see the freedom He offers.

Have you been there? Have you had those hopeless feelings and scary circumstances? We can be thankful that unlike the alligators, we don’t need to wait to be rescued. We don’t need to hope that by some chance, someone may happen across our path. We are able, right now, to know that Jesus went to the cross for us. We are able to reach out to Him this very second and ask Him to save us. We are able today to let Him know that we are ready to have Him walk ahead of us on this life journey. We are able to ask Him to prepare a place for us in heaven for our future journey. We are able to ask Him to direct us on the path ahead that may seem scary to us. How awesome is that! 

There are no magical words that need to be said. It’s about aligning our hearts with the God who loves us enough to send His Son, Jesus. By asking Him for the rescue, we are changing our zero percent chance of abundant and eternal life to 100% chance of abundant and eternal life. My prayer is that no one lets this rescue opportunity pass by. 

Here are some scriptures that I hold close to my heart, and my prayer is they bring strength and comfort to you today in the midst of whatever situation you find yourself. And as always, shoot me a message if you need to share a prayer request or if you made the decision today to be rescued by Jesus.

Psalm 121:1-2

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

John 5:24
Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.

 John 11:26
And everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?

Peter 3:18

For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, 

Misty Cramer is an author & speaker who recently released her first book, The Every Day God, 40 Daily Devotions for Walking with God through Everyday Moments. This book quickly made its way to Amazon's #1 New Release and Best Seller lists in multiple categories, as well as made its way into the Finals for the Selah Awards in the Devotion category. In her book, Misty authentically shares her own story to remind us all that God has a specific plan, even in the midst of life's messes. She has been married to Todd for 39 years and has five adult sons. While they enjoy their time as "empty nesters" in rural Michigan, they also love visits from their sons, four daughters-in-laws, and three granddaughters. Misty sends out a monthly devotion, and she'd love to send it along to you. The link to subscribe to the devotion, as well as the link to Misty's book can be found below:

Sign up here to receive reminders and links to Marriage Monday, Wednesday's Word, and Misty's monthly devotional newsletter:

Head to this link if you’d like to purchase the book: 

Follow Misty on Facebook to receive daily encouragement: @mistydawncramer 

Misty Cramer © 2024

#wednesdaysword #imagine320 #laughter #joy #laugh #happy #happiness #truth #encouragement #family #memories #sisters #bible #scripture  #devo #devotions #wonder #awe #inspiration #awestruck #god #psalm #challenges #difficulties #psalms #psalm #hardship #pain #endurance #jesus   #yestogod #appreciation #thanks #thankful #appreciate #gratitude #rest #relax #grandparents #gen z #gen x #generations #hopeforthenextgeneration #hopeforthefuture  #marriage #arguements 


Earlier this week, I glanced out my window to see the sky suddenly becoming dark. The previously blue skies had made a quick turn to gray, and then suddenly a branch struck my window, startling me. Before I could even get to the window, the high winds could be heard howling outside. Twigs and branches were torn from their places among the trees and thrust to the ground. It didn’t take long for rain to  combine with the high winds. As the water poured down from the sky, the wind blew it sideways, making it impossible to even see the trees that stood just yards from our house.

Minutes later, the skies cleared. The rain slowed to a trickle. The wind blew out as earnestly as it had blown in. The storm had subsided, leaving only its remnants scattered across our yard.

I sit here today pondering the impacts of storms on our lives. Not necessarily physical storms, although we have seen a number of those leaving devastation in their wake this year. But today, I think of the proverbial storms in our lives. Those who are walking through storms, struggling to stand in the wind. Attempting to find shelter from the rain. Those who are being hurt by the debris hurled at them with a force strong enough to knock them off their feet.

Perhaps you are one of those people. Or perhaps you know someone close to you who falls into that category. The people with life and death struggles. Some quite literally watching a loved one cling to this earthly existence. Others saying good-bye to those who have just made their journey to heaven, leaving a gaping wound in the hearts of those left behind.

Others face storms of a different sort. Ones that rage at the mailbox with the delivery of yet another bill that can’t be paid. Some that cause the household to tremble, as arguments and hurtful words are found echoing through the halls. A father’s heart is crying for the child who appears lost, wondering if the child will return home. A teens heart pounds with anxiety, as she attempts to figure out her next steps; high school is over. The storm rages within her, as expectations press down, attempting to pound her into the ground.

Some days, the temptations slide their way into her thoughts…would it be easier to disappear. Would anyone notice if the storm carried me away, she ponders. A mother’s heart pounds; she is unsure if the sound of it is from inside her or if possibly those around her can hear the thunderous noise it makes. The clouds hang over her bed, luring her to stay there. It would be easier than facing the chaos and uncertainty the day holds.

My heart is heavy today, as storms close in for so many of you. The pain is deep; I know you are wondering when the darkness will turn to light again. Let me promise you, it will. In the midst of it all, sun can be seen. It is peaking through the horizon. It is making its way, oh so slowly; yet we can remain confident, it is there. It often doesn’t come with an earth-shattering arrival, parting the dark storm clouds in the blink of an eye. It frequently comes slowly, penetrating the darkness bit by bit. Only one ray at a time. A ray of hope. A ray of hope that promises…there is life outside the storm. There is Someone who sees the person at the bedside of their loved one. There is Someone who will walk through the challenges of financial devastation. There is Someone who sees the hurting household. Hears the cries of the father for his child. There is Someone who lifts the anxiety and desires to remove the weight of expectation. There is Someone who puts out His hand and lifts people out of bed, carrying them when necessary. 

Whether you are currently weathering a storm, or hearing the distant rumblings of thunder on the horizon, I am praying for you today. I see you. More importantly, God sees you. You are not alone. I pray that regardless of how dark your storm appears, you catch a glimpse of the ray of sunshine. And when you catch that glimpse, even if it is minute, hold onto that ray. Hold tightly onto the ray that promises you are loved and you are not walking this journey alone. 

May you find encouragement today in a few of my favorite scriptures. And please know, I’d be honored to confidentially pray for any requests you may have today. Just email me from my website, and I will join you in prayer.  

Scriptures for the Storms:

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you a blaze. Isaiah 43:2 (NIV)

Peace I leave you, my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 (NIV)

For you are my hiding place; you protect me for trouble. You surround me with songs of victory. Psalm 32:7 (NLT)

Mightier than the thunder of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the Lord on high is mighty. Psalm 93:4 (ESV)

Misty Cramer is an author & speaker who recently released her first book, The Every Day God, 40 Daily Devotions for Walking with God through Everyday Moments. This book quickly made its way to Amazon's #1 New Release and Best Seller lists in multiple categories, as well as made its way into the Finals for the Selah Awards in the Devotion category. In her book, Misty authentically shares her own story to remind us all that God has a specific plan, even in the midst of life's messes. She has been married to Todd for 39 years and has five adult sons. While they enjoy their time as "empty nesters" in rural Michigan, they also love visits from their sons, four daughters-in-laws, and three granddaughters. Misty sends out a monthly devotion, and she'd love to send it along to you. The link to subscribe to the devotion, as well as the link to Misty's book can be found below:

Sign up here to receive reminders and links to Marriage Monday, Wednesday's Word, and Misty's monthly devotional newsletter:

Head to this link if you’d like to purchase the book: 

Follow Misty on Facebook to receive daily encouragement: @mistydawncramer 

Misty Cramer © 2024



I sat, relaxing, as a passenger in our vehicle (I’m spoiled cuz Todd always drives.) and let Todd know that I’d like to make a few stops on the way home. We were finishing up our trip up north and these were places that held special childhood memories for me. And so, on we drove. When we got to the first place, Purell’s Restaurant in Pinconning, I unfortunately wasn’t hungry yet. So, I told him to pass by, as I shared that it was the place where we would go for ice cream when I stayed at my grandparents’ house.

The next location was Deer Acres. Although it is now closed, this was a park that my grandparents’ created, built from scratch. To say that I have a few wonderful childhood memories there would be a grand understatement. Todd pulled in the driveway. I looked at the chipping paint, and the lifeless soldiers standing out front, and tears formed in my eyes. As Todd waited in the vehicle, I got out and walked closer, so I could peek inside. When I did, the overgrown broken track that I once drove the old-fashioned cars around, suddenly became bright and shiny, laughter filling the air. As I looked over at the rusty monkey cage, I could almost see them swinging around as they played and screeched. The tiny Hensel and Gretel House, now crumbling, came to life, as I remembered feeling so grown up working in there alongside my aunt and uncle. And the entry…the ticket counter, vines pushing through the cracks in the cement blocks, it also came to life in my mind’s eye, as my grandpa or uncle sat and took tickets, smiling from ear to ear as they saw me approaching from the parking lot. It didn’t take long for my grandma and aunt to come around the corner from the souvenir shop, arms open and ready for a big hug.  As the tears made their way from my eyes, down to my cheeks, I felt an arm around my shoulder. Todd hadn’t stayed in the vehicle. He stood beside me, sharing in the moment. Allowing me to relive memories that were before our time together. Listening, as I shared a past that he wasn’t part of, but cared about because it was part of what shaped the woman he loves so well. 

Satisfied with this stop on our journey home, we had one more place to go. Todd drove a few more miles until we reached the Turkey Roost. Another restaurant that has family memories that go back well over half a century. We pulled in the parking lot and made our way into the pink restaurant. I remembered the pens they had in the parking lot area when I was a child; pens where I could go and see the real live turkeys. When we got inside, we sat down. And surround by all the people, I did a little whistle to myself. It only seemed fitting, after hearing decades of stories about how my grandpa proudly brought me in there after church, showing off his two-year-old granddaughter who had learned to whistle. Sunday after Sunday, Turkey Roost became an after-church tradition. It definitely was a must on my list of stops on our way home that day. 

When we left Turkey Roost, my heart was full. Not only because of the warmth the memories provided for me that day, but because my husband had just invested in me. Was there a list of things at home calling for his attention? Of course. Was he tired from a long week of work? He certainly was. And yet, he intentionally had a cheerful attitude and truly made me feel like he wanted to be no other place in the world that afternoon than right there beside me, walking down memory lane.

Remember to prioritize your spouse this week. Marriages don’t get stronger without putting in the time and investing in them. And your marriage is worth the investment…so, put in the time.

Practical Tips for Strengthening Your Marriage this Week

*Be intentional about setting your phone to the side, turning off the television, and focusing on conversations with your spouse.

*Ask your spouse what you could do for them this week that would make them feel valued.

*Create a list with your spouse with activities you both would enjoy doing together. Pick at least one of those activities to do with each other each week.

*Here’s a few ideas to get you started: talk a walk, play a game, go on a bike ride, bring home dinner, make popcorn and watch a movie of their choice.

*This blog is by no means intended to put current or past owners of Deer Acres in a poor light.  

Misty Cramer is an author & speaker who recently released her first book. The Every Day God, 40 Daily Devotions for Walking with God through Everyday Moments, quickly made its way to Amazon's #1 New Release and Best Seller lists in multiple categories. In this book, she authentically shares her own story to remind us all that God has a specific plan, even in the midst of life's messes. She has been married to Todd for 39 years and has five adult sons. While they enjoy their time as "empty nesters" in rural Michigan, they also love visits from their sons, two daughters-in-law, and three granddaughters. Misty sends out a monthly devotion as part of her newsletter, and she'd love to send it along to you. The link to subscribe to the devotion, as well as the link to Misty's book can be found below:

Sign up here to receive reminders and links to Marriage Monday and Misty's monthly devotional newsletter:

Head to this link if you’d like to purchase the book: 

Follow Misty on Facebook to receive daily encouragement:

 Misty Cramer © 2024



I was almost home, and was looking forward to the evening ahead with my family. As I drove, I watched as a pickup slowed down, and then stopped at the stop sign at the upcoming crossroad. And then, life changed. The pickup pulled out just when I was entering the intersection. Within seconds, my minivan smashed into the side of it, pushed him out into a field, and sent me into the air, before landing nose down in a ditch. 

Although that frightful day was 13 years ago, the repercussions of it continue to impact my life. The 18 months following the accident held a great deal of physical, as well as emotional pain. Shoulder surgeries, doctor appointments, physical therapy, fear, anxiety, and time off work were among some of the many challenges. 

I was reminded of that accident recently when I spotted a flower in my driveway. Yes, my driveway. A seed, which must have been thrown onto this hard gravel, several feet from the moist black dirt the other flowers were enjoying, decided to pop up, grow, and blossom into a flower! I quickly thought of the popular saying, “BLOOM where you’re planted”. 

There are many times in our lives, when we find ourselves in situations where life takes an unexpected turn. When life dishes out some challenges for which we hadn’t planned. When we are forced to BLOOM in some places that are anything but comfortable. Anything, but stable. Anything, but predictable. Places that are instead, like my car accident, unplanned and painful. Shaking us to our core. 

Perhaps it’s a health diagnosis. A job loss. The death of someone we love. Unpaid bills. Relationship struggles. Every person has those situations; the ones where we are the flower, stuck in the middle of the driveway, surrounded by stones and crusty ground sucking the life out of us. And yet, God can give us the ability to still BLOOM.

Like this little flower, we can reach for the sun, allowing Him to give us the sunshine we need for strength. We can dig into the ground, allowing Him to nourish us with all we need to create roots that will sustain us. And when we still feel too weary to stand, we can be showered with the reminder that His grace is sufficient, His power is made perfect in our weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:8-9) With that knowledge, regardless of where we are planted, we absolutely…can BLOOM through any unexpected circumstances.

Wherever you are planted today, may you be reminded of our all-sufficient God. The God who loves you so very much. The One who will sustain you, even when life throws you into circumstances that appear to be nothing but rocky, crusty ground, hungry to devour you. Wait on Him and be renewed with the strength He promises.

I hope these Bible verses encourage you today:

For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:3-4

Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord. Psalm 27:14

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. (Genesis 50:20 in the story of Joseph) 

Misty Cramer is an author & speaker who recently released her first book, The Every Day God, 40 Daily Devotions for Walking with God through Everyday Moments. This book quickly made its way to Amazon's #1 New Release and Best Seller lists in multiple categories, as well as made its way into the Finals for the Selah Awards in the Devotion category. In her book, Misty authentically shares her own story to remind us all that God has a specific plan, even in the midst of life's messes. She has been married to Todd for 39 years and has five adult sons. While they enjoy their time as "empty nesters" in rural Michigan, they also love visits from their sons, four daughters-in-laws, and three granddaughters. Misty sends out a monthly devotion, and she'd love to send it along to you. The link to subscribe to the devotion, as well as the link to Misty's book can be found below:

Sign up here to receive reminders and links to Marriage Monday, Wednesday's Word, and Misty's monthly devotional newsletter:

Head to this link if you’d like to purchase the book: 

Follow Misty on Facebook to receive daily encouragement: @mistydawncramer 

Misty Cramer © 2024

 Marriage Monday:
A Surprise Vow Renewal

During our Annual 4th of July Family Weekend (four generations now), we finish the weekend with a church service in our yard. My parents and Todd and I live on about 7 acres of land, which has a large pond on one side of our houses and the Bay on the other side of our houses. This makes for a beautiful setting for all of our weekend activities, including our Worship by the Bay, which we hold on Sunday morning before people pack up to head back home.

I awoke on Sunday morning feeling grateful for the family who had come and for all God did over the weekend. His presence was so evident throughout every piece of the weekend…games, conversations, bonfires, and meals. I was a good-exhausted, you might say.

Todd and I sat in our chairs that we had placed in our “church” for the morning. The breeze was blowing ever so slightly. The water in front of us had just a ripple of movement. Our son, Harrison, and one of our daughter-in-law’s, Kya, were preparing to begin the music. Another son, Micah, was ready to open the service in prayer. Todd and I held hands, as we watched others bring their chairs as they made their way to church.

The worship music began and gratitude consumed me once again. What a gift to be in this spot with four generations of family worshiping together. My heart was full. As the music came to a close, our youngest son stood and preached the Word. His message penetrated the hearts of each individual. Once again, I was overwhelmed with God’s goodness.

After the closing prayer, another of our sons, Taylor, (we have five) stood to make an announcement. “As you may know, my parents recently celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary. My Dad has asked if I help him surprise my mom by leading them through a renewal of their wedding vows today.”

I was in shock! I absolutely had no idea this was happening. I looked up at Todd, whose eyes were already glistening with tears, and wondered if life could get any better than this. He stood and extended his hand out to me to take me to the front, where we would renew our vows.

And, because I’m one for full disclosure, I said, “Oh my gosh! Do I have time to go to the bathroom? I have been holding it so much for the last 20 minutes and I don’t think I can wait.”

I took off running for the house (the best I could with a full bladder), as everyone laughed, and Todd and Taylor stood at the front waiting for my return.

I did return. I joined My Man at the front, as he opened with sharing from his heart about our marriage and this special plan to surprise me. And surprise me, he definitely did.

Before Taylor began, Todd shared how he secretly went to my Bible and found the notecard with the vows he had written to me 40 years ago. He wrote them at 19 years old, the morning of our wedding. His mom had laminated them for us, and I’ve kept them in my Bible since then.

He shared how he was going to rewrite some vows, but then read what he had written all those years ago, and noticed, they still hold true today. So, with tears streaming down both of our cheeks, he read the 40-year-old vows to me once again:

Today I will marry my best friend, my love, and the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Our love for each other has grown each day from the first time we said-I love you.

Our relationship also has grown. With each problem or conflict, we overcome, our relationship gains strength.

I will do my best to make you happy. I will work hard so that we can grow in our marriage and in God.

Ahead of us are good times as well as bad, but with our commitment to each other and to God we will make it through.

We are taking the biggest step in our lives-a celebration of our love and commitment to each other. I’m as happy as anyone could ever be.
Misty, I love you.

Todd was right. Those 40-year-old vows remained relevant and were the perfect words for our renewal. It was wonderful to hear them anew.

Taylor then mentioned something similar to his Dad. He said he too, was going to look for some new vows, made for a renewal, and yet, he settled back into the original vows. The traditional vows we took 40 years ago.

We repeated the vows to one another. We said “I do” again. And we once again pledged, “til death do us part”. (And then we got to kiss!)

The stark differences between that day and this one was evident to all who were in attendance at both. And yet, a couple things remained steadfast. We were surrounded by our loved ones, and we continue to feel God’s presence and see evidence of His work in and through our lives. And for that, my gratitude overflows all over again.

Todd and Misty are certified Marriage Mentors, and are commited to helping others strengthen their marriage. Thank you for reading this blog. If you found it helpful, please like, message, comment, or pass it on to someone else. Thanks! You may also sign up here to receive reminders and links to Marriage Monday and Misty's monthly devotional newsletter: I hope you have a wonderful week and that you remember to prioritize your marriage...because it matters. 

Misty Cramer is an author & speaker who recently released her first book. The Every Day God, 40 Daily Devotions for Walking with God through Everyday Moments, quickly made its way to Amazon's #1 New Release and Best Seller lists in multiple categories. In this book, she authentically shares her own story to remind us all that God has a specific plan, even in the midst of life's messes. She has been married to Todd for 39 years and has five adult sons. While they enjoy their time as "empty nesters" in rural Michigan, they also love visits from their sons, two daughters-in-law, and three granddaughters. Misty sends out a monthly devotion as part of her newsletter, and she'd love to send it along to you. The link to subscribe to the devotion, as well as the link to Misty's book can be found below:

Sign up here to receive reminders and links to Marriage Monday and Misty's monthly devotional newsletter:

Head to this link if you’d like to purchase the book: 

Follow Misty on Facebook to receive daily encouragement:

 Misty Cramer © 2024


Marriage Monday: Re-engaging with Your Spouse

          Can I love my spouse, but not really like him/her right now? I remember a time in our marriage where I was not liking my man. And my guess is, he wasn’t liking me much at that point either. I can make a list of what was going on in our lives, and place some blame on how and why he wasn’t very likable, but my guess is, again, he probably could do the same. We had young children. One of them wasn’t sleeping much at all, and only wanted mommy. We were struggling financially. I was babysitting daily for another baby, attempting to make some extra income so I could afford to stay home with our children. We were in a rut. He would go to work. I would watch kids. He would return home. I would hand off kids and go outside, trying to get a moment or two without a child attached to my body. He would get frustrated because the child would scream and didn’t want daddy. I would come back into the house to a crying child, other children needing things, and now a hubby who was anything but happy. And the cycle would continue. We would get irritated with one another quickly. We would think of our own needs instead of attempting to meet our needs together. It wasn’t fun.

            But, wow, I did love that man. If anyone would have asked either of us if we loved our spouse, we would have said, “yes, of course.” However, we sure weren’t doing a great job at displaying it in our everyday lives. And the result was…we didn’t like each other much.

            Thankfully, that phase didn’t last too long. We learned to communicate much better. We learned to forgive more quickly. We learned to serve the other more effectively. We learned to see the needs of the other more often. We learned. Period.

            Marriage is a process of learning, isn’t it. Today, I ask, do you find yourself in the “I love my spouse, but I don’t like my spouse” phase? Unfortunately, some couples spend years in this phase. It’s not healthy or productive, and it certainly is not a fun place to reside in your marriage. Marriage is much more fulfilling when we not only love our spouse, but we like him/her too.

            When I look back at that phase, I see some important components at play on my end. I see a woman who wasn’t happy with herself. I see a woman who was exhausted. I see a woman who probably had some depression creeping into her life. I see a woman who was lonely. The list goes on, but the point is, I wasn’t at a great place personally. And Todd could make a list of his components, as well. We were two people who were struggling on our own, and not making the decision to come together, communicate, and see what we could do for the other. We were too caught up in the “me syndrome”. If I could chat with young Misty today, I would suggest she and her husband sit down and have some conversation on how they could meet the other’s needs more effectively. I would tell her to intentionally do something to serve her husband every day, even if that wasn’t reciprocated. I would tell her to get a babysitter, and go out and do something fun with this man she loves…and find out what it’s like to not only love him, but to like him again.

            Don’t stay stuck in that spot; take a step today to make your marriage better. If your spouse isn’t onboard for talking to you about it, make a commitment this week to do something for him/her that would show them you’re in the game. You’re ready to step it up and become friends, have fun together, laugh together…that you’re ready to figure out how to like one another again. And if you already are doing great in your marriage, awesome. But don’t take that for granted. Don’t let the fire burn out; fan the flame. Continue to be intentional about doing something to make it better each day. Your marriage is worth it.

Practical Tips for Strengthening Your Marriage this Week

*Ask your spouse, "What could I do to make your week better?"

*Do an activity you had fun doing together when you were dating.

*Leave a note for your spouse that tells him/her at least three things you like about them.

*Let your spouse choose something for the two of you to do together, and make the arrangements to make it happen.

#marriage #marriagematters #love #marriagemonday #loveoneanother #love #serve #spouse 

Todd and Misty are certified Marriage Mentors, and are commited to helping others strengthen their marriage. Thank you for reading this blog. If you found it helpful, please like, message, comment, or pass it on to someone else. Thanks! You may also sign up here to receive reminders and links to Marriage Monday and Misty's monthly devotional newsletter: I hope you have a wonderful week and that you remember to prioritize your marriage...because it matters. 

Misty Cramer is an author & speaker who recently released her first book. The Every Day God, 40 Daily Devotions for Walking with God through Everyday Moments, quickly made its way to Amazon's #1 New Release and Best Seller lists in multiple categories. In this book, she authentically shares her own story to remind us all that God has a specific plan, even in the midst of life's messes. She has been married to Todd for 39 years and has five adult sons. While they enjoy their time as "empty nesters" in rural Michigan, they also love visits from their sons, two daughters-in-law, and three granddaughters. Misty sends out a monthly devotion as part of her newsletter, and she'd love to send it along to you. The link to subscribe to the devotion, as well as the link to Misty's book can be found below:

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 Misty Cramer © 2024

 Walking through Today's Transitions

Do seasonal transitions come easy for you? They certainly don’t for me. As I wandered around my house this week, picking up little toys and hair ties, and swooshing balloons across the floor, my heart ached. They were reminders that Summer was coming to a close and Fall was soon to begin.

Our family had the most marvelous of summers. We started right out with two of our sons getting married. It was absolutely wonderful to experience those unions. Weddings also meant there were some really great family gatherings, which I love and treasure. We then we headed into our 9th Annual July 4th Family Extravaganza. That meant even more family time. We had trips up north to see family. We had our South Carolina family come to Michigan for several weeks. The opportunities for fun, conversation, and laughter seemed endless this summer.

And yet, this week, the time arrived for that phase of life to come to a close. Did I mention how much I dislike that?

The family activities wrapped up, as the last of our family, including two of our granddaughters, our daughter-in-law and our son, loaded up and pulled out of the driveway on Monday. And this grandma shed some tears. Transitions are hard, especially when they include good-byes.

Today there were no morning conversations with my son and daughter-in-law.

There was no pitter patter of our granddaughters little feet making their way down the stairs. There were no snuggles on the couch before the day was to begin.

There would be no more setting up for movie nights. Or making popcorn. Or choosing a candy to add to that popcorn. (Does anyone else add M & M’s or Skittles to their popcorn?)

The pond will remain still, without the endless swimming and paddleboard rides.

The bonfire pit won’t be as active.

The jars for catching fireflies will remain empty.

The “grandma tears” came again at 2:00 pm when I was picking up some random item they left lying on the living room. And even now, as I write this. The sadness does fade. It takes a bit, but that’s ok. Giving myself time to sit in the “loss” of summer, of noise, of family is healthy for me. And it takes me through the memories of all the wonderful things that happened this summer.

What transition are you preparing for today? Do you have a little one heading to kindergarten? Are you dropping a child off at college? Maybe you’ve had a summer break from work and you’re preparing to head back this fall. Possibly, you’ve had a different type of loss; the loss of a marriage; the physical loss of a loved one; the loss of a job.

All of those changes mandate a transition. Some are easier than others. All can be a challenge and bring an array of emotions. I want to remind you today that we serve a God who is walking with you during every transition. Deuteronomy 31:8 says, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

The changes in your life and the transitions you are walking through at this very moment are no surprise to God. He is not caught off guard by your circumstances. He is not puzzled by your pain. He is not silenced by your sadness.

He is near to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18), prepared to give rest to the weary (Matthew 11:28), and provide strength (Isaiah 41:10) for each one of us.

I pray that whatever transition you are walking through right now, that you would rest in the arms of the One who has held your past and holds your future. And as for my transition, I am going to praise Him for a splendid summer, and lean into whatever fabulous fall plans He has for me. (Yes, I may shed a few more tears and I definitely will be counting down until I get to see my family again.)

Scripture and Prayers for You Today

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. John 16:22

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans15:13

The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. Psalm 145:18-19

Heavenly Father, I am going through some challenging transitions right now. It’s hard for me to let go of the past and embrace the future. I ask that you would walk before me, light the path for me, and prepare me in whatever ways needed for the road that is ahead. I love you Lord, and thank you for your goodness and grace. Amen

Misty Cramer is an author & speaker who recently released her first book. The Every Day God, 40 Daily Devotions for Walking with God through Everyday Moments, quickly made its way to Amazon's #1 New Release and Best Seller lists in multiple categories. In this book, she authentically shares her own story to remind us all that God has a specific plan, even in the midst of life's messes. She has been married to Todd for 39 years and has five adult sons. While they enjoy their time as "empty nesters" in rural Michigan, they also love visits from their sons, two daughters-in-law, and three granddaughters. Misty sends out a monthly devotion as part of her newsletter, and she'd love to send it along to you. The link to subscribe to the devotion, as well as the link to Misty's book can be found below:

Sign up here to receive reminders and links to Marriage Monday and Misty's monthly devotional newsletter:

Head to this link if you’d like to purchase the book: 

Follow Misty on Facebook to receive daily encouragement:

 Misty Cramer © 2024

 Creating Community-What is the Key Ingredient

We were created by an all-knowing, loving, and powerful God. And in His creating of us, He designed us with the desire for community. To be a part of a family-sometimes a family connected thru a bloodline and other times connected thru a God-line. 

Jesus, Himself, had a community. Think of the men and women who did life with Jesus (Matthew, Mary, Mark, Martha, Luke, Susanna, John,  Joanna…so many more!) They traveled with Him. Ate with Him. Served with Him. They loved one another. Learned from one another. Supported. Encouraged.

Jesus had created the ultimate, beautiful example of community. He did so by inviting them into His life, teaching them and showing them how to love one another.

A.J. Swoboda, in his book Subversive Sabbath (pg. 69) says this, “True community is not born of our efforts in creating a sense of community-it is the natural outcome from the act of loving other people.”

When I read this sentence, I immediately highlighted it. It spoke to me. I thought, in a world where we, as churches, neighborhoods, and schools, are attempting to “do” and “create” activities to create community, I wonder if we have lost the main ingredient. An ingredient Jesus loved and taught daily. The act of loving others.

  • John 13:34-35 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. 
  • 1 John 4:7-8 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
  • Matthew 22:36-40A person asks Jesus, "Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?" Jesus replies, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself". 

I’m not saying fun programs and group gatherings are to be totally set aside. I love a good program as much as the next person. In fact, I am passionate about developing programs. But I am more compassionate about relationships. And that is where we must place our focus.

If we create programs to develop community, but we fail to implement the act of loving others, then we have failed. We will simply be a church, neighborhood, or school who happened to put on “that one cool event”.

But, when we do those events as an act of love for one another…watch out! When we sit down and have real life conversations with those around us. When we listen intently to the hurts of our neighbors. When we cry with each other. When we get into the mire, mud, and mundane with one another. When we choose to see the unseen. When we choose to hear the unspoken words. That, my friend, is when community is built. That’s when Church happens. That’s when communities will be changed. That’s when neighborhoods will be transformed. That’s when Jesus shows up in big ways.

Let’s go, Friends. How will you choose to love your neighbor today? May the way you choose to love them begin to build a Christ-like community in your Church and neighborhood.

Misty Cramer is an author, speaker, mentor, and pastor. As a teen mom, she found out what it was like to live in shame. But she also found out what it was like to be given the opportunity for a fresh start because of Jesus. She uses her personal experience and her experience as a professional mentor and speaker to help people take steps toward a fresh start and creating a new legacy for themselves and their families. And, she absolutely loves what she does!  



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 Misty Cramer © 2024

 Marriage Monday:
4 Steps for Digging out of Marriage Ruts

“Is this all there is?”

“Every day it’s the same ol, same ol. Where did the spontaneity go?”

“Why isn’t our marriage exciting anymore?”

Is it time to dig your way out of the marriage ruts? See if you relate to any of the scenarios below:

Husband and wife arrive home from work. They both dive into the normal routine of what happens every single day at this time. Someone throws dinner together. Someone helps the kids with homework. Someone is texting. Someone is on the computer continuing their work day from home. When they finally sit down to dinner, they are crabby and it impacts the kiddo’s who are hungry, tired, and in need of some attention.

One spouse has been home and has dinner made for the family. The other spouse comes in the door. Instead of greeting one another, they walk by the other as if s/he is a stranger they passed on the sidewalk.

They climb into bed at night. The conversation is limited, if it happens at all. One grabs a book, and the other picks up the phone. Time passes, and the lamps go out. Thoughts of a kiss goodnight, are just that…thoughts.

One spouse is "in the mood" and the other isn't. The same sexual routine plays out just like it always does. No variety. No passion. 

It doesn't have to be that any of these scenarios. And yet, they keep replaying in homes all around the after day. Which scenario plays out within the walls of your home? Or perhaps you have one I didn't mention. Does it leave you longing for more from your marriage? 

Sometimes those unhealthy scenarios creep in over a long period of time, and other times, they develop rather quickly. Sometimes, we just aren’t paying attention and being intentional, and the next thing we know, we have created poor habits within our marriage.

Just as those poor habits were created, they also can be tossed out and replaced with healthy ones. But, it does take intentionality. The change won’t happen without putting some effort into it.

A while ago, Todd and I got into a bedtime routine I wasn’t fond of. We unintentionally developed the habit of climbing into bed and scrolling, reading, or watching a tv program on our phones. We didn’t even recognize this behavior right away. Then one night, it was like a light bulb went on. What are we doing? Why are we ending our day like this? We re-evaluated. We decided we enjoy praying together before bed. We decided that yes, we both do enjoy watching some tv before bed. We decided we wanted to make sure we were giving the other a kiss before we rolled over and went to sleep. And so, those adjustments were made. We pray. We decide together what show we would like to watch together. And when it’s time for lights out, we give each other a kiss good night.

I’m not saying this is the best bedtime routine for every married couple. But I am saying, examine your routines and see if you’re both happy with them. If you’re not, then have some discussion and re-evaluate. Try something new. Discover what brings happiness and contentment to both of you. And enjoy this process of discovery. Remember, your marriage matters.  

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:24


Practical Tips for Strengthening Your Marriage this Week

* Reflect on the rut or unhealthy routine that you and your spouse have become stuck in.

* Talk together about alternative options you both would enjoy, rather than staying stuck in your current situation.

* Identify the specific areas of your life where your marriage tends to fall into ruts. Examples of these areas: evening routines, meals, sexual intimacy, date nights, vacations, conversations, family time

*Choose one of those areas to focus upon, and begin implementing those changes today.

Todd and Misty are certified Marriage Mentors, and are committed to helping others strengthen their marriage. Thank you for reading this blog. If you found it helpful, please like, message, comment, or pass it on to someone else.

Misty Cramer is an author & speaker who recently released her first book. The Every Day God, 40 Daily Devotions for Walking with God through Everyday Moments, quickly made its way to Amazon's #1 New Release and Best Seller lists in multiple categories. In this book, she authentically shares her own story to remind us all that God has a specific plan, even in the midst of life's messes. She has been married to Todd for 40 years and they have five adult sons. While they enjoy their time as "empty nesters" in rural Michigan, they also love visits from their sons, four daughters-in-law, and three granddaughters. Misty sends out a monthly devotion as part of her newsletter, and she'd love to send it along to you. The link to subscribe to the devotion, as well as the link to Misty's book can be found below:

Sign up here to receive reminders and links to Marriage Monday and Misty's monthly devotional newsletter:

Head to this link if you’d like to purchase the book: 

Follow Misty on Facebook to receive daily encouragement:

 Misty Cramer © 2024

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