
Wednesday's Word: Blooming During Difficult Times

I was almost home, and was looking forward to the evening ahead with my family. As I drove, I watched as a pickup slowed down, and then stopped at the stop sign at the upcoming crossroad. And then, life changed. The pickup pulled out just when I was entering the intersection. Within seconds, my minivan smashed into the side of it, pushed him out into a field, and sent me into the air, before landing nose down in a ditch. 

Although that frightful day was 13 years ago, the repercussions of it continue to impact my life. The 18 months following the accident held a great deal of physical, as well as emotional pain. Shoulder surgeries, doctor appointments, physical therapy, fear, anxiety, and time off work were among some of the many challenges. 

I was reminded of that accident recently when I spotted a flower in my driveway. Yes, my driveway. A seed, which must have been thrown onto this hard gravel, several feet from the moist black dirt the other flowers were enjoying, decided to pop up, grow, and blossom into a flower! I quickly thought of the popular saying, “BLOOM where you’re planted”. 

There are many times in our lives, when we find ourselves in situations where life takes an unexpected turn. When life dishes out some challenges for which we hadn’t planned. When we are forced to BLOOM in some places that are anything but comfortable. Anything, but stable. Anything, but predictable. Places that are instead, like my car accident, unplanned and painful. Shaking us to our core. 

Perhaps it’s a health diagnosis. A job loss. The death of someone we love. Unpaid bills. Relationship struggles. Every person has those situations; the ones where we are the flower, stuck in the middle of the driveway, surrounded by stones and crusty ground sucking the life out of us. And yet, God can give us the ability to still BLOOM.

Like this little flower, we can reach for the sun, allowing Him to give us the sunshine we need for strength. We can dig into the ground, allowing Him to nourish us with all we need to create roots that will sustain us. And when we still feel too weary to stand, we can be showered with the reminder that His grace is sufficient, His power is made perfect in our weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:8-9) With that knowledge, regardless of where we are planted, we absolutely…can BLOOM through any unexpected circumstances.

Wherever you are planted today, may you be reminded of our all-sufficient God. The God who loves you so very much. The One who will sustain you, even when life throws you into circumstances that appear to be nothing but rocky, crusty ground, hungry to devour you. Wait on Him and be renewed with the strength He promises.

I hope these Bible verses encourage you today:

For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:3-4

Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord. Psalm 27:14

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. (Genesis 50:20 in the story of Joseph) 

Misty Cramer is an author & speaker who recently released her first book, The Every Day God, 40 Daily Devotions for Walking with God through Everyday Moments. This book quickly made its way to Amazon's #1 New Release and Best Seller lists in multiple categories, as well as made its way into the Finals for the Selah Awards in the Devotion category. In her book, Misty authentically shares her own story to remind us all that God has a specific plan, even in the midst of life's messes. She has been married to Todd for 39 years and has five adult sons. While they enjoy their time as "empty nesters" in rural Michigan, they also love visits from their sons, four daughters-in-laws, and three granddaughters. Misty sends out a monthly devotion, and she'd love to send it along to you. The link to subscribe to the devotion, as well as the link to Misty's book can be found below:

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Misty Cramer © 2024

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