
Earlier this week, I glanced out my window to see the sky suddenly becoming dark. The previously blue skies had made a quick turn to gray, and then suddenly a branch struck my window, startling me. Before I could even get to the window, the high winds could be heard howling outside. Twigs and branches were torn from their places among the trees and thrust to the ground. It didn’t take long for rain to  combine with the high winds. As the water poured down from the sky, the wind blew it sideways, making it impossible to even see the trees that stood just yards from our house.

Minutes later, the skies cleared. The rain slowed to a trickle. The wind blew out as earnestly as it had blown in. The storm had subsided, leaving only its remnants scattered across our yard.

I sit here today pondering the impacts of storms on our lives. Not necessarily physical storms, although we have seen a number of those leaving devastation in their wake this year. But today, I think of the proverbial storms in our lives. Those who are walking through storms, struggling to stand in the wind. Attempting to find shelter from the rain. Those who are being hurt by the debris hurled at them with a force strong enough to knock them off their feet.

Perhaps you are one of those people. Or perhaps you know someone close to you who falls into that category. The people with life and death struggles. Some quite literally watching a loved one cling to this earthly existence. Others saying good-bye to those who have just made their journey to heaven, leaving a gaping wound in the hearts of those left behind.

Others face storms of a different sort. Ones that rage at the mailbox with the delivery of yet another bill that can’t be paid. Some that cause the household to tremble, as arguments and hurtful words are found echoing through the halls. A father’s heart is crying for the child who appears lost, wondering if the child will return home. A teens heart pounds with anxiety, as she attempts to figure out her next steps; high school is over. The storm rages within her, as expectations press down, attempting to pound her into the ground.

Some days, the temptations slide their way into her thoughts…would it be easier to disappear. Would anyone notice if the storm carried me away, she ponders. A mother’s heart pounds; she is unsure if the sound of it is from inside her or if possibly those around her can hear the thunderous noise it makes. The clouds hang over her bed, luring her to stay there. It would be easier than facing the chaos and uncertainty the day holds.

My heart is heavy today, as storms close in for so many of you. The pain is deep; I know you are wondering when the darkness will turn to light again. Let me promise you, it will. In the midst of it all, sun can be seen. It is peaking through the horizon. It is making its way, oh so slowly; yet we can remain confident, it is there. It often doesn’t come with an earth-shattering arrival, parting the dark storm clouds in the blink of an eye. It frequently comes slowly, penetrating the darkness bit by bit. Only one ray at a time. A ray of hope. A ray of hope that promises…there is life outside the storm. There is Someone who sees the person at the bedside of their loved one. There is Someone who will walk through the challenges of financial devastation. There is Someone who sees the hurting household. Hears the cries of the father for his child. There is Someone who lifts the anxiety and desires to remove the weight of expectation. There is Someone who puts out His hand and lifts people out of bed, carrying them when necessary. 

Whether you are currently weathering a storm, or hearing the distant rumblings of thunder on the horizon, I am praying for you today. I see you. More importantly, God sees you. You are not alone. I pray that regardless of how dark your storm appears, you catch a glimpse of the ray of sunshine. And when you catch that glimpse, even if it is minute, hold onto that ray. Hold tightly onto the ray that promises you are loved and you are not walking this journey alone. 

May you find encouragement today in a few of my favorite scriptures. And please know, I’d be honored to confidentially pray for any requests you may have today. Just email me from my website, and I will join you in prayer.  

Scriptures for the Storms:

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you a blaze. Isaiah 43:2 (NIV)

Peace I leave you, my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 (NIV)

For you are my hiding place; you protect me for trouble. You surround me with songs of victory. Psalm 32:7 (NLT)

Mightier than the thunder of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the Lord on high is mighty. Psalm 93:4 (ESV)

Misty Cramer is an author & speaker who recently released her first book, The Every Day God, 40 Daily Devotions for Walking with God through Everyday Moments. This book quickly made its way to Amazon's #1 New Release and Best Seller lists in multiple categories, as well as made its way into the Finals for the Selah Awards in the Devotion category. In her book, Misty authentically shares her own story to remind us all that God has a specific plan, even in the midst of life's messes. She has been married to Todd for 39 years and has five adult sons. While they enjoy their time as "empty nesters" in rural Michigan, they also love visits from their sons, four daughters-in-laws, and three granddaughters. Misty sends out a monthly devotion, and she'd love to send it along to you. The link to subscribe to the devotion, as well as the link to Misty's book can be found below:

Sign up here to receive reminders and links to Marriage Monday, Wednesday's Word, and Misty's monthly devotional newsletter:

Head to this link if you’d like to purchase the book: 

Follow Misty on Facebook to receive daily encouragement: @mistydawncramer 

Misty Cramer © 2024



I sat, relaxing, as a passenger in our vehicle (I’m spoiled cuz Todd always drives.) and let Todd know that I’d like to make a few stops on the way home. We were finishing up our trip up north and these were places that held special childhood memories for me. And so, on we drove. When we got to the first place, Purell’s Restaurant in Pinconning, I unfortunately wasn’t hungry yet. So, I told him to pass by, as I shared that it was the place where we would go for ice cream when I stayed at my grandparents’ house.

The next location was Deer Acres. Although it is now closed, this was a park that my grandparents’ created, built from scratch. To say that I have a few wonderful childhood memories there would be a grand understatement. Todd pulled in the driveway. I looked at the chipping paint, and the lifeless soldiers standing out front, and tears formed in my eyes. As Todd waited in the vehicle, I got out and walked closer, so I could peek inside. When I did, the overgrown broken track that I once drove the old-fashioned cars around, suddenly became bright and shiny, laughter filling the air. As I looked over at the rusty monkey cage, I could almost see them swinging around as they played and screeched. The tiny Hensel and Gretel House, now crumbling, came to life, as I remembered feeling so grown up working in there alongside my aunt and uncle. And the entry…the ticket counter, vines pushing through the cracks in the cement blocks, it also came to life in my mind’s eye, as my grandpa or uncle sat and took tickets, smiling from ear to ear as they saw me approaching from the parking lot. It didn’t take long for my grandma and aunt to come around the corner from the souvenir shop, arms open and ready for a big hug.  As the tears made their way from my eyes, down to my cheeks, I felt an arm around my shoulder. Todd hadn’t stayed in the vehicle. He stood beside me, sharing in the moment. Allowing me to relive memories that were before our time together. Listening, as I shared a past that he wasn’t part of, but cared about because it was part of what shaped the woman he loves so well. 

Satisfied with this stop on our journey home, we had one more place to go. Todd drove a few more miles until we reached the Turkey Roost. Another restaurant that has family memories that go back well over half a century. We pulled in the parking lot and made our way into the pink restaurant. I remembered the pens they had in the parking lot area when I was a child; pens where I could go and see the real live turkeys. When we got inside, we sat down. And surround by all the people, I did a little whistle to myself. It only seemed fitting, after hearing decades of stories about how my grandpa proudly brought me in there after church, showing off his two-year-old granddaughter who had learned to whistle. Sunday after Sunday, Turkey Roost became an after-church tradition. It definitely was a must on my list of stops on our way home that day. 

When we left Turkey Roost, my heart was full. Not only because of the warmth the memories provided for me that day, but because my husband had just invested in me. Was there a list of things at home calling for his attention? Of course. Was he tired from a long week of work? He certainly was. And yet, he intentionally had a cheerful attitude and truly made me feel like he wanted to be no other place in the world that afternoon than right there beside me, walking down memory lane.

Remember to prioritize your spouse this week. Marriages don’t get stronger without putting in the time and investing in them. And your marriage is worth the investment…so, put in the time.

Practical Tips for Strengthening Your Marriage this Week

*Be intentional about setting your phone to the side, turning off the television, and focusing on conversations with your spouse.

*Ask your spouse what you could do for them this week that would make them feel valued.

*Create a list with your spouse with activities you both would enjoy doing together. Pick at least one of those activities to do with each other each week.

*Here’s a few ideas to get you started: talk a walk, play a game, go on a bike ride, bring home dinner, make popcorn and watch a movie of their choice.

*This blog is by no means intended to put current or past owners of Deer Acres in a poor light.  

Misty Cramer is an author & speaker who recently released her first book. The Every Day God, 40 Daily Devotions for Walking with God through Everyday Moments, quickly made its way to Amazon's #1 New Release and Best Seller lists in multiple categories. In this book, she authentically shares her own story to remind us all that God has a specific plan, even in the midst of life's messes. She has been married to Todd for 39 years and has five adult sons. While they enjoy their time as "empty nesters" in rural Michigan, they also love visits from their sons, two daughters-in-law, and three granddaughters. Misty sends out a monthly devotion as part of her newsletter, and she'd love to send it along to you. The link to subscribe to the devotion, as well as the link to Misty's book can be found below:

Sign up here to receive reminders and links to Marriage Monday and Misty's monthly devotional newsletter:

Head to this link if you’d like to purchase the book: 

Follow Misty on Facebook to receive daily encouragement:

 Misty Cramer © 2024


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