June 14, 2022

Wednesday’s Word: NAMES

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Wednesday’s Word: NAMES

As a seventh grader, I walked tentatively into my art class. Since I was a very quiet young lady, I was surprised when I walked in the room and heard my name come from a group of boys in the back of the room. I didn’t know these boys knew I existed, let alone knew my name. My surprise quickly turned to pain, as one of them yelled to me, “Hey Black Teeth!” The little group laughed, as I sank lower into my seat, blinking back tears, wishing I could be anywhere, but in that room.

We have all experienced those times in our lives when people have labeled us or called us names. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always stop when we leave high school. We may enter into a job or family where the labels or names don’t cease. Perhaps it’s a name that is tied to a physical attribute we hold. Sometimes it is connected with the gifts and talents we possess or don’t possess. Other times, a name is thrown out as a “joke”, and yet when it penetrates our hearts, it is anything but.

Do you have any names that were throw out at you, ones that stung? Ones that have perhaps stuck with you for years? Ones that came from someone you respected, or even loved, making it hurt even more deeply?

Well today, with our Wednesday’s Word, NAMES, I want us to shift our focus to some of the NAMES that God has for us. He has created each of us uniquely, specifically to be a part of his family. We are Children of the Living God. Let’s allow His truths, the NAMES He has given us, to wash over the pain of other names and labels, and remove them from our hearts, replacing them with who HE says we are. Please check out the scriptures below, taking time to focus on the NAMES the Creator of the World has given you.

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called CHILDREN OF GOD! And that is what we are! I John 3:1

But you are a CHOSEN PEOPLE, a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, a HOLY NATION, a PEOPLE BELONGING TO GOD, that you may declare praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you FRIENDS, for everything I have learned from my Father I have made known to you. John 15:15

Do you not know that you are GOD’S TEMPLE and that God’s Spirit lives in you? 1 Corinthians 6:19

For we are his WORKMANSHIP, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that Gid prepared beforehand so we may do them. Ephesians 2:10

Misty Cramer is an author and speaker who enjoys walking alongside others in this journey we call life. Her deisre is to encourage others, as she shares the hope Jesus provides in the midst of life’s darkest challenges, as well as it’s brightest triumphs. If you would like to receive “Wednesday’s Word”, as well as other encouragement, you can subscribe to her website, https://mailchi.mp/7844a4ba7f8b/welcome and follow her on Instagram @mistydawncramer and Facebook, Misty Cramer, Author & Speaker. She would love to connect with you!  

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Hi, I’m Misty Cramer. I am a national speaker, best-selling author, and mentor and pastor. I look forward to connecting with you, sharing a virtual cup tea, and exploring how God may be leading you into a fresh start with Him.

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