The Blog

My heart hurts today. It hurts for many of you. My friends out there who are struggling with deep pain. The world is going on with the hustle and bustle of Christmas, and you are holding on by a thread. You’re doing your best to...
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Do you remember, as a child, being in a large crowd, straining to see something special? And then realizing that all you could see were the backs and behinds of the people in front of you? That is, until an adult noticed you struggling to...
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…and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room in the inn. Luke 2:7 As soon as the clock struck 7 am, my siblings and I would race down...
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This summer I had a messy science experiment happening in the fruit bowl on my counter. I had some of those cuties in a bowl; you know, the tiny orange like fruit that are so juicy and yummy?  One day I glanced at my fruit...
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 Marriage Monday: 4 Steps for Digging out of Marriage Ruts “Is this all there is?” “Every day it’s the same ol, same ol. Where did the spontaneity go?” “Why isn’t our marriage exciting anymore?” Is it time to dig your way out of the marriage...
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 Creating Community-What is the Key Ingredient We were created by an all-knowing, loving, and powerful God. And in His creating of us, He designed us with the desire for community. To be a part of a family-sometimes a family connected thru a bloodline and other...
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