The Blog

As I write, I am wrapping up several opportunities in which our family has been able to CELEBRATE together. We recently had the opportunity to CELEBRATE my son’s business with an Open House. It was complete with food, contests, and even a dunk tank! (Pictured...
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  Wednesday’s Word: BUILD Each Wednesday morning, it could get a little crazy around our house, as I would get my little ones around for the day and head to my weekly lifeline, Morning Glory. Morning Glory was a group of ladies from my church,...
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  Wednesday’s Word: NAMES As a seventh grader, I walked tentatively into my art class. Since I was a very quiet young lady, I was surprised when I walked in the room and heard my name come from a group of boys in the back...
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Have you seen an alligator without a tail? No? Me neither. Well, meet Bob. I was able to meet Bob on a trip to Alligator Adventure in Myrtle Beach.  Bob was born without a tail, which is the most prevalent birth defect among gators. Alligators...
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  Wednesday’s Word: SECURITY The day at my grandparents’ house had once again proven to be one filled with laughter, games, and of course running down the big hill their home sat upon, as it towered above the river below. A child’s paradise. Swimming. Boating....
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  ANGER & ACHING I had my Wednesday’s Word all written and set to send out to you, and then the shooting happened in Texas. It somehow didn’t seem fitting anymore because the words that were on my heart were now ANGER and heart ACHE....
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