The Blog

Our family had just finished up a delicious meal with my parents. In fact, my mom had brought over most of the meal, so to me it was extra delicious; I didn’t have to cook. Throughout dinner, there was one dish that was being avoided....
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“Time to pray!” My voice would echo down our hallway and then down into the basement, as I would attempt to gather our sons for our evening prayer time. Soon all five boys would make their way to the living room, sometimes pushing one another...
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As the last vehicle drives out of the driveway, I can’t help it; tears slowly form in my eyes, and then stream down my cheeks. My hubby wraps his arms around me, knowing that the evening will be difficult. And that even the days ahead...
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“If you turn left here, we will get there more quickly.” “No, I drive this all the time, this way is quicker.” “I just drove this yesterday, and it is quicker if you turn left.” Voice inflections change. Eyes roll. The mood of the trip...
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“It will be one of those days you will remember forever.” My aunts words were spoken to me with sincerity and the reflection of her experience over twenty years earlier, as she dropped off her oldest son at college.  With the emotions that were already enveloping...
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Have you ever felt as if you weren’t being SEEN? Felt alone, as if you were going through your day and no one really noticed that you were struggling? That you were dealing with family issues? That the financial stress was causing you to feel...
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