April 6, 2022

Wednesday’s Word: When the Mind Won’t REST

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Pictured is my nephew, Dawson, who is enjoying some rest of mind and body during a visit to our home last summer. 

As I laid my head down on my pillow, I could feel the physical exhaustion wash over me. My body was craving the sleep it so badly needed. It didn’t take much to get myself comfortable, as I laid my tired head on my pillow, and allowed my eyes to close, something they had been desiring to do for the past many hours.

But what was happening? My exhausted body was attached to my head, which at this particular moment, was the home for the numerous thoughts regarding the painful circumstances many people were in at that very moment. No, this couldn’t be happening!

It was as if my mind didn’t care one bit about the exhausted body in which it resided. It was going to run its own course, taking me down trails, rough and rock ones, that I did not want to explore tonight. Couples whose marriages are failing. Youth who feel discarded. Death in the streets of Ukraine. Families struggling with finances. Parents feeling overwhelmed. Friends dealing with loss of loved ones. The trails in my mind were endless; they were dark. Lonely. And had no finish line.

I know you can relate to those nights. We all have them. Yet, I have come to realize how deeply important rest is in our lives. And not only physical rest, but mental and emotional rest, as well.

During those times, I frequently find myself telling God, “Lord, you know how exhausted I am. You also know my brain won’t shut off tonight. So, God, I’m just going to talk to you until I fall asleep; there will be no “amen” tonight. Thanks for listening.”

I don’t think the Lord minds one bit that I fall asleep while I’m talking to Him. I imagine at that moment, He’s taking the role of the Father, who is very content to have His daughter resting in his arms, providing her with the peace she needs that night to rest her body, and her mind.

My prayer is that you share with your Heavenly Father all those challenges that are keeping you up at night, so you are able to truly rest in the arms of your Father when lay your head on your pillow tonight.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Jesus (Matthew 11:28)

Misty Cramer is an author and speaker, wife of 37 years to her favorite man, Todd, mother to five sons and two daughter-in-laws, and grandma to two of the cutest little humans on earth. She wants you to know you were created by a loving God who desires for you to have a relationship with Him.  And not only that, but He desires for you to live life to the fullest, to have an abundant life (John 10)!  Did you know that same God is able to do beyond anything we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20)?  Often we find ourselves just plodding along in life, without passion, without dreams, without a vision for our future. That isn’t the life God has in mind for us.  Whether we are going through the dark valleys of life, venturing into the wonderful mountain tops of life, or find ourselves somewhere in between, God wants to walk with us, meet with us, and show us how to live life to the fullest.

#imagine320 #rest #sleeplessnights #restforyoursoul #jesus #devotions #christian #encouragement #exhaustion #peace #wednesdaysword

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Hi, I’m Misty Cramer. I am a national speaker, best-selling author, and mentor and pastor. I look forward to connecting with you, sharing a virtual cup tea, and exploring how God may be leading you into a fresh start with Him.

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